終於在八月中旬結束了三年前買的這本英文書。當初買下這本書只是覺得內文與用字不深,應該很適合閱讀學英文。 沒料到我還是拖了三年才結束它。
從來沒有想過,閱讀這本書會令人流淚,至少我知道它上一本「最後十四堂星期二的課」並未如此憾動著我,儘管作者是因為那本而聲名大噪的。 我想,或許年少的我不如現今感性,生命的歷練不足也不敏慧,所以無能在心裡掀起波瀾。
然, 閱讀「天堂上遇見五個人」卻不一樣。當我讀到在天堂的第三課,關於艾迪與父親之間,我的眼淚不知覺地落了下來。我跟這本書做了最深層的心靈交流。於是,很快的我懂,好的故事不需要華麗豐沛的辭藻,只要一點點真實性就夠了 。樸實平凡反而更能夠觸動人心,搏得眼淚,作者這方面的功力確實是相當厲害。
"But the running boy is inside everyman, no matter how old he gets." (p.29)
"You cannot talk when you first arrive." "It helps you listen." (p. 35)
"That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind." (p.48)
"No life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone." (p.48)
"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else." (p.94)